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The DaDa Network

Sep 16, 2021

We have created a new genre, Emblem Like, because we are real and official games journalists. Send your jeers and review codes to our email. This game is no Subverse. It's not Vandal Hearts 2. Hell, it's no Kartia: Word of Fate.

I'm not gonna talk about Dark Deity here because I'm done talking about it. So instead I will include the minutes from our last team meeting.

Minutes for Steaming Garbage
Call to Order
A writing meeting of Steaming Garbage was held on 9/12 at secret bunker. It began at 7:30am and was presided over by Caligula Q. Strawman, with Incitatus as secretary.
Voting members in attendance included Caligula, Incitatus, Bullet, Big Man, Dusty.
Guests in attendance included ghosts and various phantasmagorical beings.
Members not in attendance included the rest of the DaDa Chuds

Officers’ Reports
Ascent Sucks was presented by Liggy and Incy.
Ascent Really Sucks was presented by Liggy and Incy.

Incitatus moved that the meeting be adjourned, and this was agreed upon at 9:30am.