Jan 27, 2022
Into the Pit is a fast and frantic roguelite FPS developed by Nullpointer Games and published by Humble Games. It was released on Oct. 19th, 2021 on PC and Xbox consoles. We scored it a 3.7/10 making it better than Outriders. Take that.
We didn't have too much to say about this game. Hit the episode for the details...
Jan 20, 2022
The Dirty DaDa Bois are back in the new year with new jokes and new...uh references.
Tales of Arise is a Bandai Namco joint released on Mircosoft Windows, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S on September 10th 2021. It's the 17th title in the long running action rpg franchise "Tales of". We gave...
Jan 13, 2022
This is the first thing we ever recorded. It's about how birds
aren't real. It's rough and from a few years ago but I still get
some giggles and maybe even titters out of it. Please enjoy.
Also, this is the last we heard from "Adam" before he was gunned
down by a Deep State Operative. RIP
Jan 1, 2022
We wanted to start the year off right...by pooping all over Avengers Endgame. We're a simple folk here at The DaDa Network.
Happy New Year, let's make it a good one.
Thanks for the year of podcasting.